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World Mental Health Day

Barbora Vinczeova

Each year the World mental Health Day is held to help raise awareness of mental health issues and encourage open conversations for sufferers.

The day provides an opportunity for you to add to the wider conversation that will be occurring on social media, television and elsewhere.

World mental Health Day
World mental Health Day

What is World Mental Health Day?

The event takes place every year on October 10 since 1992. The aim is to educate and raise awareness of mental health issues. Every year a different theme is chosen, this year it’s suicide and suicide prevention.

Why did WHO choose suicide prevention?

Every 40 seconds, someone loses their life to suicide according to the World Health Organisation (WHO). More than 800,000 people die by suicide every year. It is a global issue occurring all around the world, affecting people of all ages and genders. Worryingly, suicide is the second leading cause of death in 15 – 29 year olds globally and the leading cause of death among 20-34 year olds in the UK.

People with mental health issues are particularly at risk, but we also know that many suicides happen spontaneously in moments of significant crisis due to life events or stressful situations.

The key fact to remember is that suicides are preventable. Every life is valuable and those struggling can get better with support.

Why did WHO choose suicide prevention?

According to WHO, depression might become the leading illness globally by 2030 if we don’t act urgently.

We shouldn’t always assume that someone suffering from mental health issues is also suicidal, however they might be more in risk of having suicidal ideations or even attempting.

Mental health issues are common. One in four of us will be affected at some point in our lives, so being able to talk about our mental health is important to us all.

We all have physical health and mental health, these are interconnected. But even in this day and age it can be hard to openly talk about what is happening to us due to fears of how we will be perceived or ‘what it might say about us’.

It’s important to open up if you are struggling, try talking to your friends or family. Those going through dark times don’t have to walk alone and will often get better if they choose to talk about what’s happening and working through their issues.

However, I appreciate it’s easier said than done and to get better people often need help from a therapist or a mental health organisation.

How can you get involved?

There are several ways in which you can get involved. You can take part in fundraising events like Tea&Talk or donate to Mental Health Foundation or a different charity of your choice.

Those interested can take action by educating themselves about mental health and recognise the signs of mental health issues.

There are also very helpful resources available on the WHO website you can share at your workplace or schools.

The World Mental Health Day reminds us to talk to one another and become more open about our mental health. While it is okay not to be okay, everyone deserves to be well and have a chance at life.

How counselling can help

Sometimes it's easier to talk to a stranger than to relatives or friends.

During talking therapy, a trained counsellor listens to you and helps you find your own answers to issues, without judging you. The therapist will give you time to talk, cry, shout or just think.

It's an opportunity to look at your issues in a different way with someone who'll respect you and your opinions. The sessions are devoted entirely to you, giving you the opportunity to talk things through, to put it all out there and work towards your goals.

Talking therapy is for anyone who's going through a bad time or has emotional problems they need help with.

Shift Counselling is dedicated to helping clients feel better. You can take advantage of a free 15-minute conversation or schedule counselling session to talk about your experiences and work towards more positive future.

Please remember, you matter and cannot be replaced.

Use the resources below if you or someone you know is at risk

More information and tips:

Support groups: Tel: 07474 120912 Email:

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If your query is urgent or you are in crisis, please contact The Samaritans on 116 123 or the NHS on 111.

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